Following the merger and integration of new entities within the MITECVSAT-ALGA company, Folio Design was mandated by the client for the expansion of its offices.
The mandate was not only to expand existing spaces, but also to create a new living space adapted to newrealities in space planning. All the while respecting and letting shine through the brand image of the new entities. The layout had to allow for a harmonious integration between the various entities. The expansion alone was 11,000 square feet. The project was to be carried out in a very short period, from the preliminary studies and functional programming, from conceptual design to construction and going as far as the integration and installation of new workstations adapted to the client's needs. Folio Design was confident that this was a challenge we could succeed in; everything was executed in just 4 months. The client being the owner of the building and having a completely vacant space upstairs with an empty shell, allowed us to complete the project very quickly, thereby avoiding demolition work. Carrying out a functional and personalized project in record time, these were the challenges our team were faced with in the context of this project.
Our approach was intended to be a collaborative approach with the client and the various collaborators.We quickly set up an efficient project team.In order to complete the project, while respecting the deadline submitted by the client and their budget, we quickly worked out a tight but realistic schedule. Throughout the project, our approach was to be attentive to details and to offer a personalized service. We were able to guide the client by coming up with adequate solutions that met their specific needs and assisting them throughout the process in making quick decisions.The organization within our team and our availability to respond quickly was certainly a great asset in this project.
Together with the client, we have created a combination of spaces, which most of them were open concept, maximizing the layout of the workstations around the perimeter of the building thus allowingaccess to natural light. Therefor have a positive impact on the day-to-day of the employees.
The use of large glass partitions on the front of the offices, some of which were positioned in the center of the space, allowed the natural light to penetrate and benefit everyone.In addition, we integrated glass partitions at the front and at the back of the enclosed spaces in the middle of the office to give the effect of decompartmentalization and transparency.We also wanted to stand out from the client's existing offices, being very partitioned, both for closed spaces and for workstations in open spaces. The existing stations being originally designed with high furniture partitions.
The challenge of decompartmentalization was daunting, as the client feared that he would end up with a problem with acoustics and lack of privacy. In order to meet the client's needs, we developed a typical workstation, a little larger than what we see in most current installations. We surrounded the workstations with acoustical panels allowing a divider between the workstations, while leaving a maximum of work surface for the users as their tasks require a lot of free space. However, we favored a 42-inch panel height between the workstations, thus allowing better collaboration between the employees and the different work teams. In addition, this solution made it possible to maximize the supply of light in all the spaces.We also integrated, throughout the layout, various areas to encourage one-on-one meetings or a personal touch-down area to allow employees to make private calls or serve as a place of concentration.
In response to the client’s needs, we created a cafeteria space, that would be shared by the entire team, including the office employees, the factory employees and those working on separate floors. The location chosen for the cafeteria was a very important part in our planning process, ensuring it would become a space where all the employees could come together in a multifunctional area. We wanted to encourage exchanges and collaboration within the entire company. Not only would this space be used during mealtimes, but also for trainings and informal meetings. To allow for more flexibility in the space, we chose furniture that was entirely movable, including the seating and tables, and even the banquette seating.
The use of glass partitions, raw materials, such as concrete flooring, wood inserts contrasting with the bright colours, allowed us to transform an industrial space with limited natural light into a user-friendly space bathed in comfortable lighting. Various light sources allowdetails to shine, such as the shapes and volumes that divide and create movement in the space. The graphic elements are clean and simple waves to create a subtle movement throughout the space also relating back to the client’s business sector.