The story of the two Mochi founders roots in learning how to cook with Pierre Gagnaire and Jean- François Piège in Paris while the other directed BMW World’s restaurant in Munich. Their vision was to create a space where people and ingredients could meet on the highest level of atmosphere and quality. Beyond regular parameters of star cuisine and slick architecture, a space should be created challenging a next level of authentic encounter.
The interior takes its atmospheric inspiration from Tokyo’s old town soup kitchens: a place where crowds come together for a lively experience. Authenticity is materialized in three statements: Pure concrete, plain copper and oiled oak - settings for an urban, forward looking restaurant. The formal techniques of the central kitchen enclosure are based on origami, creating different spatial situations at the bar. The functional strategy is based on mobility. Wooden Vitra chairs mixed with movable benches allow the interior to expand from a light 25 person into a vibrant 50 people setting.