Public landscape of light Dune 4.2

Public landscape of light Dune 4.2
Studio Roosegaarde

Public landscape of light Dune 4.2 beside river Maas in Rotterdam NL

DUNE is a public interactive landscape that interacts with human behavior. This hybrid of nature and technology is composed of large amounts of fibers that brighten according to the sounds and motion of passing visitors. The 4.2 version of Dune is a new, permanent interactive landscape situated alongside the Maas River in Rotterdam, NL.

This sixty-meter-long public artwork utilizes fewer than 60 watts of energy as it intuitively interacts with its visitors; a quality that renders the installation both sustainable and progressive in its construction. Within this setting, Rotterdam citizens are able to enjoy a daily “walk of light”. Dune investigates nature in a futuristic relation with urban space by means of looking, walking and interacting.

Specifications: 2006-2010. Modular system of length 100 cm, width 50 cm, variable heights. Hundreds of fibers, LEDs, sensors, speakers, interactive software and electronics; variable up to 400 meters. Clients: Commissioned by Netherlands Media Art Institute Amsterdam, Rotterdam 2007 City of Architecture and CBK Rotterdam.

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