This dividing wall is located in one of the new urban spaces of Barcelona: the ”Rambla Brasil”. This space is the result of covering an urban highway called "ronda del mig" that has become in one of the most attractive city walks of Barcelona. The location has a high urban interest that needed the participation of the nude wall to complete the urban landscape.
The wall turns into an spectator of exception of the day-to-day live of the neighbourhood and its untidy presence was not accompanying on the harmony of the zone, creating a necessity of designing something to integrate the wall into the urban environment.
The aim of the project is in one hand to continue the sequential logic of the urban elements that organize the street like lamps, benches and trees and on the other hand play with the texture changes that can be appreciated in different ways depending on the angle it is viewed from and speed at which the observer interacts (by foot, by car, by bicycle…) with the work.
The project tries to integrate chromaticaly with the materials of the environment to be balanced with the urban space surrounding. All the ideas are materialized in a sequential of wood strips that creates a filter over de nude wall. This filter has irregular pattern of three dimensional circular convex protrusions that are meant to suggest the ten constituent districts of the city of Barcelona loosely arranged geographically.
The wall transforms it self in the ground level and the load brick behind appears to dialog with the ground. It turns into a grey colour to fusion with the sidewalk
This fact creates two different parts, the base and the body, one hard and grey and the other light and in wood… one related to the sidewalk and the other to the city. Each of one has its own peculiarities but they work as one element, they have an urban function.
This urban function, the “urban landscape” is in contrast to its basic materials (pine wood) and its standardised construction that offer a speed of erection that makes this an attractive approach for similar sites throughout the city.