The city of Goetzenbruck has developed around its strong industrial heritage. The “La Sola” site, an area resulting from successive urban expansions, is currently unused. The objective of the project is to recreate an urban polarity around the existing factory, a town center highlighting the industrial past of the area. The localised project also acts as a model and trigger for the rehabilitation of the buildings and surrounding areas at a greater scale.

The demolition of the buildings located to the south-east of the factory has created a link between the some of the most remarkable pieces of architecture in town, supported by redesigned urban infrastructure. A new vertical circulation is designed against the façades left bare from the deconstruction, acting as a “bandage” for the modified building. It gives access to the rehabilitated floors of the factory.

The staircase also acts as a belvedere, a new symbolic and easily recognisable edifice reinforcing the new identity of the town center. On ground level, the design of the upper plaza connects the project to the Verriers’ Chapel, therefore unifying the town center which until then seemed fragmented.

The upper plaza leads to a lower plaza, organised in the former courtyard of the factory. Both areas are connected via a wide flight of stairs, participating in the urban design. A kiosk and bar complete the project, increasing the attractivity of the new urban area.