The process of reconfiguration of the working environment for Richemont Group started with the development of the green handbook for the sustainable design of commercial and working spaces of the prestigious Swiss luxury conglomerate continues with the project of renovation of the Asia Pacific headquarter of the group. In the famous landmark of Jardine House in Hong Kong the entire 6th floor has been redesigned according the working environment standards set in the past years by Kokaistudios for Richemont , transforming a traditional Hong Kong style office space with a labyrinth layout of small rooms and low ceiling into a modern fresh and open space working environment. The old landmark of Jardine House, iconic office building recognizable by the famous round shape windows presents a great challenge for designers in designing efficient layouts matching at the same time the large round openings. Kokaistudios reverted here this constrain into an opportunity by conceiving an innovative functional wall able to integrate the round windows and transform them in the design signature of the space.