“If the bee disappeared off the planet then man would only have 4 years of life left” –Albert Einstein
Our actions should first able justify itself by being sustainable and in second term by the fulfillment of the social functions, without being sustainable we shouldn’t have the right to act.
This competition starts from the encounter between two social realities, in one hand the neighborhood of Pere Garau composed by one market, one square and a social environment having arrived to a collapse of functions as of services as of mobility and in the other hand the Town Hall strategy of civic axis connecting the center of the city Palma de Mallorca with the surrounding.
Our urban proposal is to liberate the square for civic (urban square) and contemplative use (square forest) restricting its use for pedestrians and moving the temporary market which takes up it to the street which are part of the Civic Axis crossing the square and the market, reorganizing its interior.
Our strategy for the refurbishment of the market redefines its relationship with the environment throw a bioclimatic system of forest roof made by domes and green platforms, making the most of the solar energy throw photovoltaic panels faced to South, lighting the interior throw glass panels faced to North, ventilating vertically by the chimney effect, reusing the raining water…
The spatial volume contended by the domes is partially used in the South side of the Market for civic facilities as Library, multipurpose room, Youth house and handicap toilets, without interfering with the chimney effect of the domes.