The pavilion derives its unique configuration from the urban context the square presents, by splicing the various approaches and interlinkages of the square to activate it. The stacked screen optimises the resources available, while keeping the visual connections of the square intact.
The strips are of poplar wood, 250 wide 20 CNC; milled to form the stacked volume. The construction is fairly simple and straight forward, with layers of horizontal stripes connected with vertical as well as solid infills to form a rigid 3D structure.
The structure could be divided into smaller segments at the factory and assembled at site for speedy erection / dismantling, with simplified logistical challenges. A circular table around the tree becomes the visitors’ interface, which houses information nodes, self-registration hubs etc.

Architect: Collaborative Architecture
Client: Concentrico | The Spline | stack 2 | logroño| Spain
Project team: Lalita Tharani, Mujib Ahmed, Mihir Mistry
Client: logroño| Spain