Renowned wine space creator, CellArt, has partnered with FineWaters, the world’s leading platform dedicated to showcasing premium bottled water, to create The Water Experience space. Inspired by the principles of terroir traditionally associated with wines and agricultural products, the collaboration aims to elevate water to an artisanal status, emphasising its unique flavour profile derived from the geography, climate, and minerals of its source. With sustainability at the forefront, the terroir of the water is preserved in the same way vineyards safeguard the essence of their grapes.
This collaboration aligns with the rising trend of mindful consumption, offering a sophisticated alternative to traditional alcoholic beverages and a new environment where a water tasting experience can be enjoyed in the same way as wine. Water is also an essential element in wine tasting and The Water Experience space combines the two in an innovative way, offering a unique journey for enthusiasts to explore the intricate interplay of water and wine and to build a collection of both.
“Water is not only essential to life, but is also a vital component to the appreciation of wine. Incorporating water spaces into our wine cellar company will provide an even more immersive and unforgettable experience for our clients. By showcasing the importance and beauty of water, we can offer an incredibly unique and personalised touch to our services.” Jonathan Primeau, founder of CellArt and Quebec's first Water Sommelier.
Echoing the aesthetics of a fine wine cellar, The Water Experience space offers an immersive space designed specifically for collectors to explore and appreciate the diverse terroir profiles of premium bottled waters curated by Fine Waters. The Fine Water Space occupies the outside or inclusive side oriented towards the whole family. A classic climate-controlled wine cellar fluidly continues on the inside or exclusive area with restricted access. The hybrid space represents the transition from wine to water in a visuall stunning way. In conjunction with the captivating Water Experience space, CellArt introduces the exquisite Water Podium—an independent water cabinet, poised as a resplendent showcase or an elegant water dais. Meticulously crafted to exhibit and store the finest bottled water, it also serves as a refined display atop a cabinet.
“The paradigm has shifted, water is not just water anymore. It is a natural product with a terroir that holds experiences and gives wellness. Drinking water does not have to be just for hydration. We can make it fun, engaging, and into an experience that allows an emotional connection to the source similar to what we have with wine. The benefits of drinking water instead of wine are clear.”
Michael Mascha, Founder of
This collaboration between CellArt and FineWaters also establishes bottled water etiquette, including stemware, temperature, pairings, water menus, and water sommeliers, as well as providing lifestyle experiences for those who choose not to consume alcohol, transcending the boundaries of traditional wine cellars.
CellArt, alongside FineWaters, aims to create a new identity for water by celebrating its value, accessibility, cleanliness, and sustainability, while The Water Experience space invites guests to nurture an emotional connection, and deepen their appreciation for this vital resource.