Vdoo prides themselves on their slogan of “securing the connected everything.” This company creates the necessary technological products for startups and corporations alike to secure all devices across their networks and safeguard against security risks when launching new software or updates. Because Vdoo is in the business of such an important tech concern and create high-quality robust product to combat security risks, SwitchUP sought to design a workspace that plays with their modern concepts while providing enough warmth for employees to de-stress from a highly stressful job.
The entrance of Vdoo displays their slogan over the front desk loudly and proudly: “Securing the connected everything.” It’s a vibrant neon sign that reminds visitors and employees alike of the kind of space they are in and the mission of the individuals therein. The front desk wraps all the way around the administrative assistant’s workspace, a play on security. There are also several comfy lounge chairs to allow for a small waiting area for clients and collaborators.
Throughout the design of this office space, designers bring in a motif of dogs in different styles: realistic, balloon animal, and robotic. These dogs play on the idea of security and being a “watchdog” over connected devices. The dog motif continues to tie in each space for consistency. The hallways of Vdoo also feature floor-to-ceiling storage: both open shelving units and cabinets. This storage space creates a vital solution to the problem of many tech companies: extra cords, extra monitors, and gadgets galore.
A small kitchenette and dining area is supplemented by a comfier lounge space for informal lunchtime meetings. The tables here are far enough apart to allow for more content-sensitive meetings without sacrificing the ability to push them together for larger sessions. This area is warm, well-lit, and brings in natural colors for an even cozier feel. The animal motif continues here, though with funkier art prints as opposed to dog statues. This space also opens up into a longer, narrower area with more cafeteria-style tables and both warm natural and industrial elements.