The video installation conceived by Migliore+Servetto for the headquarters of ETT on the occasion of Milan Design Week 2024 is a pulsating organism, a dynamic work in which pattern and light enter into a dialogue to build up an immersive graphic landscape. The intersection of different patterns based on original drawings by Ico Migliore covers the façade of the building, inviting us to reflect on the concept of relationships: between human beings and their surroundings, humans and the city, humans and the objects.

Visible Voices is a visualization of dialogues and intersections in living space. It contemplates densities and voids, and individual elements that are added in the space to form a network, giving rise to different scenarios in which the color and solidity become action, movement and light.

In the dynamic video created by ETT, the patterns are like different worlds you can enter and become storytelling designs that reveal the wealth of micro-stories of which they are composed. Like graffiti or even meaningful tattoos to be decoded, they represent an exploration of harmonies and new, more aware balances between people and their contexts.

The theme of “waves” and relationships is a further expression of the research that the Studio has been carrying out for long time with the aim of considering the value and role of patterns within our surroundings. This is a very topical issue linked to proximity and distance between people and contexts.
A visual and acoustic experience finds in an engaging discovery and interactive element in the augmented reality.
Migliore+Servetto and ETT have developed a new synergy to give life to a memorable installation, a unique narrative work within the rich program of the Milan Design Week.