Award: Honorable Mention
Ancient traditions are being lost with technology today, people have lost interest in learning about their origins. The Huaorani indigenous community currently does not have spaces to carry out their traditional ancestral activities, and the project arises as an opportunity to provide them with better spaces in which they can also interact with tourists, in addition to improving their economies.
The concept comes from how to connect the natural environment full of vegetation and animals with an architectural element that allows native people to teach and exchange ideas with tourists from all over the world, creating an Amazonian workshop, so them can be able to make group meals, learn to make crafts and sell them. The form of the project is born from the inspiration of the birds’ nests found in the place, creating a reinterpretation. The idea is to use local materials, easy to assemble, taking in consideration the varied climatic conditions of the place, creating moments and tours with different sensations such as: auditory, physical and visual.