F/W restaurant
Fumio Araki

F/W restaurant

Moriyuki Ochiai Architects como Designers

The menu offers meat dishes cooked using a dynamic flame paired with select wines with character. Deliverables included a space that would embody and convey this appetizing experience. 

photo_credit Fumio Araki
Fumio Araki

We sought to fill the entire space with the energy resonating from the intensity of the flame and diverse colors of the wine. 

The ceiling plane reveals a multilayered body of flame energy by combining red latticework conveying the intensity of the steeply spiraling flame as well as red plates coated with a special finish representing the strong flickering of the flame.

photo_credit Fumio Araki
Fumio Araki

For the floor, our idea was to color it as though we were combining the colors of the flame and wines. Thus, we created a floor with a glossy transparent resin colored in a gradation of red, orange, yellow, and purple.

photo_credit Fumio Araki
Fumio Araki

The color of the ceiling and floor resonate with each other, and the specially produced exclusive dining ware gives the space a beautiful glimmer. 

The overall mutually reflective view produces intricate and constantly evolving expressions depending on the position and angle of the diners’ line of sight. 

photo_credit Fumio Araki
Fumio Araki

Through the lattice and plate ensemble’s lively energy, we were able to create a myriad of expressions and realize a spatial experience infused within the deep colors of the flame and wines.

photo_credit Fumio Araki
Fumio Araki



Design Member : Moriyuki Ochiai,Xingguang Li,Jillian Lei,

Special dining ware design: Moriyuki Ochiai

Contractor: Seiko Service / Aslego

Special dining ware production: Nanzan Ito 

Special paint : OsamuYamaguchi

Photographer: Fumio Araki

photo_credit Fumio Araki
Fumio Araki


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