One day at the School

One day at the School

Building Pictures como Mídia

The video “One day at the school” from Building Pictures about the project Maternelle du Lycée Français in Barcelona, from the architects b720 Fermín Vázquez, invite us to join the daily routine of this school.

The project is the result the rehabilitation of a building (where the school administration works) and the construction of a new one with colorful metal panels where classrooms, canteen, gym and dormitories are placed. In between the empty spaces of these two, there are plenty of playful areas with great permeability within the classrooms.

The film highlights the way that kids own the space for their continuous movement and relaxed mood towards the camera, not even concerned by it. Because of that, the story is told mostly with fixed shoots and timelapses.

Besides this short film, Building Pictures also produced a video about this building which documents every step of the construction:

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