SKIN - Architectural surfaces 2008

Studio Original Designers 6R5 Network como Arquitetos

It shows the path of materials and technological solutions for surfaces in architecture through cultures around the world

SKIN, the exhibition path of MADE Expo, is the great event with a strong international connotation with which MADE Expo addresses the world of design and industry, proposing an innovative reading of the surface in an interpretation that combines the different cultures of the world.


The exhibition - event, scheduled in pavilion 11 of MADE Expo, Milan Architettura Design Edilizia, from 5 to 9 February in the Milan-Rho exhibition center, represents a new approach in the field of architecture, capable of combining the extraordinary wealth of styles and architectural interpretations with the cultural and social specificities of the nations involved in the project.


SKIN, the skin of the interiors and building envelopes, interprets every architectural surface and all the materials and technologies of which it can be constituted through the different cultures of the world, gathering the characterizing elements and the diversity of the nations represented in the exhibition, in a path of multi-colored intertwining of plots that converge towards a common center. This intertwining is the symbol of the SKIN exhibition and of the continuous movement from the global to the national dimension.


The products and technologies that make up the different internal and external surfaces of contemporary architecture are inserted in a path of memories and sensations that involves 14 countries such as SAUDI ARABIA, CHINA, FRANCE, GERMANY, JAPAN, GREAT BRITAIN, INDIA, ITALY, MOROCCO, MEXICO, RUSSIA, SPAIN, SOUTH AFRICA, U.S.A.


The settings suggest to the visitor multiple interpretative possibilities of the surface theme in architecture. The pure lines of Japanese rigorism, the Moroccan preciousness, the gold and silver of the Nordic tradition, all the constructive differences of the different nations of the world come together in the suggestions evoked by the Skin exhibition curated by the Original Designers 6R5 NETWORK studio.

The visitor of MADE expo, the designer, the interior design, the distributor and the buyer will find themselves in an evocative world tour amidst the architectural and cultural diversity that characterize our globalized world, experienced through the products exhibited by each partner company.

In addition to being a unique initiative with a strong cultural value, SKIN adds value to the international connotation of MADE Expo thanks to the presence of the great architects from different countries, on display with their latest creations illustrated through videos and blow-ups.


The MADE expo companies that offer materials and technologies for the internal and external surfaces of buildings are involved in the exhibition project and contribute with the high quality and specialization of their products to suggest new and unprecedented interpretations of the skin of architecture. Skin's spectrum of analysis involves all product sectors of construction, design and architecture: special glass and crystal, concrete and cement, curtain walls and ventilated facades, flooring, doors and windows, internal partitions, ceramics, wood and new materials for building, structures and coatings for interiors and exteriors, paints, plasters, wallpapers and fabrics, handles, false ceilings, vertical and horizontal partitions, movable and equipped walls, wrought iron, titanium, carbon fiber composite materials, materials with applications of nanotechnologies, curtains and darkening systems, lighting and photovoltaic systems, solar thermal panels, etc. .. Skin's journey through the skin of architecture unfolds through the best technological and material solutions of the thousands of leading MADE companies expo.


SAUDI ARABIA Rijadh, CHINA Beijing, SPAIN Madrid, FRANCE Paris, GERMANY Berlin, JAPAN Tokyo, INDIA New Delhi, ITALY Milan, U.K. London, MOROCCO Marrakech, MEXICO Mexico City, RUSSIA Moscow, SOUTH AFRICA Cape Town, U.S.A. New York

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