Health Center De Eik
ARX architecten

Health Center De Eik

ARX architecten en tant que Architectes.

In the heart of town
Healthcare enter ‘DeEik’ offers a wide range of healthcare services in the heart of the Dutch town of Hengelo. This single compact building houses a pharmacy, physiotherapy and two general practitioners.

photo_credit ARX architecten
ARX architecten

In the spirit of the local architecture, the volume is sculpted to match it’s scale and characteristic pitched roofs. The refined detailing with natural materials makes for a building that naturally blends in its small scale surroundings.

photo_credit ARX architecten
ARX architecten

The refined detailing with natural materials makes for a building that naturally blends in it’s small scale surroundings.

photo_credit ARX architecten
ARX architecten

Integrally designed architecture and interior
ARX designed both the exterior and interior of De Eik resulting in a uniform look and feel. Connection with the natural surroundings is the underlying theme. Natural materials, daylight, green views and lush indoor planters positively impact the patients recovery. The artwork which is specifically selected to distract, comfort an uplift, also adds to a healing environment.

photo_credit ARX architecten
ARX architecten
photo_credit ARX architecten
ARX architecten
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