Located in Binnigen, a quiet neighbourhood to the south of Basel, Hasenrainstresse designed by Kohlerstraumann, is a modern seven-unit apartment complex. Set against the curve of a hill, all the apartment units offer a panoramic view of the cityscape.
The apartment, designed consciously in response to the contours and terrain, creates a distinct structure that appears to be only one-storey high from the street level, reflecting the low-rise neighbourhood scale while stepped terraces cascade from the opposite side.
With shuttered exposed concrete walls, tall windows, and simple detailing, the robust façade portrays a striking vertical treatment. As one traverses to the units placed on either side, a vividly lit, central concrete stairwell with a glass façade provides unobstructed views.
Contrary to a typical apartment block design with similar layouts, each unit of the structure has varying, asymmetric floorplates offering spacious sections with a personal touch. Privacy between the row of apartments is ensured through the differing orientation of each unit and the staircase core and terrace garden that divides the apartment complex.
While the exterior comprises exposed concrete walls, the unit interiors have white walls with stone flooring. The clean and subtle material palette fosters a relaxing and positive atmosphere.
The Hasenrainstrasse development appears to transform from an array of minimal houses to a large, terraced block of apartments depending on the viewpoint. Thus, the unique form of the building seamlessly blends with the character of the surrounding landscape.