The lightweight translucent panel ViewPan PMMA is a composite panel with a honeycomb core type WaveCore, made from clear PET-plastic with a cell-width of 18 mm. To both sides of the honeycomb structure there are glued transparent, satin and/or coloured surfaces made from PMMA (acrylic). A special clear/transparent glue bonds the acrylic sheetings to the WaveCore honeycomb. The result is a light-weight and translucent honeycomb-composite-panel with high stiffness. Depending on the viewing angle, the honeycomb structure shows interesting optical effects and a three dimensional depth effect. The optical effects vary from clear transparency to diffuse light scattering.
Properties -translucent three dimensional optics -interesting light scattering effects -light weight and high stiffness -usable in framing systems -scratch resistance with satin surfaces