The WuduMate Modular is a versatile, elegant foot bath, which can be fitted singly for a prayer room or home bathroom, or in series for communal ablution, in a mosque, Islamic centre or educational establishment.
This cleverly designed modular wudu khana station can accommodate a combination of standing, seated and, if requred, wheelchair-based users.
The Wudumate Modular's innovative design makes an ablution area visually refreshing and suitable for high usage at busy prayer times.
Its ease of cleaning and minimal maintenance reduce the whole life cost of ownership.
One Product, Multiple Possibilities.
The WuduMate Modular can be installed in numerous ways:
On a flat surface, requiring a small step up, with only minimal sub-floor excavation to access a suitable drain, ideal for upstairs locations.
Within the slab to finish flush with the level of the floor.
For temporary use and then moved to another location at a later stage in situations where a mosque or prayer room is undergoing extensive renovation or extension.
With the seats installed in a forward position for a child's use or placed to the rear of the unit for use by adults.
Can be joined neatly together with other WuduMate Modulars to provide as many wudu stations as required.
Features and benefits for buyer, installer and user
Safe, comfortable, and dignified wudu appliance.
Designed together with a choice of WuduMate taps to ensure that the spouts are in the most comfortable position for wudu and at the right angle to minimise splashing.
A high quality, sanitary grade acrylic finish facilitates cleaning and assists in the fight against unwanted bacteria.
The avoidance of grout reduces maintenance, facilitates reduction of bacteria, and extends the life of the ablution area.
Individual drainage outlets improve hygiene and help reduce unpleasant odours.
Prefabricated components minimise the contractor skills required during installation.
For an employer, installation in the workplace can mitigate health and safety risks and Disabled Discrimination Act (DDA) compliance risks, and support Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), equality and diversity policies.
The WuduMate Modular Standing is available as an alternative to the Seated Modular; the Standing Modular has non-slip foot positions for standing wudu, which is increasingly popular amongst the younger population performing wudu in western clothing. When set into the floor with tiling up to the back of the WuduMate, the Standing Modular is accessible for wheelchair users.
The combination of high gloss white acrylic, chrome and stainless steel, especially when complemented by thoughtfully designed lighting, contributes to a modern, visually appealing ablution area.
The WuduMate Modular Stool, taps and non-slip matting are suitable both as WuduMate Modular accessories and for use separately in mosques with traditional trough ablution systems.