Increasingly overheated towns and cities, on the one hand, and an increase in heavy rain events, flooding and a reduction in the water table on the other are creating problems for high density cities all around the world. It is a clear sign that the ecology of the water cycle has been seriously disturbed – the result of climate change and sealing of land through urbanization and industrialization. This is where a green roof comes into play. It stores storm water and allows it to drain off at pre-defined intervals or to evaporate on the roof. However, these features will only achieve the desired effect if sufficient roof areas are greened and at the same time the effectiveness of the green roof is increased in terms of water retention and evaporation.
The ZinCo Urban Climate Roof assembly is specifically designed for maximum storm water management on the roof and for optimal cooling capacity to improve the storm water and temperature problems in the High Density Urban settings. The assembly produces maximum evaporation – particularly in dry, hot periods – and to pro-actively contribute to the urban climate. This significant level of evaporation is achieved by a specially developed plant community in combination with appropriate irrigation, for which grey water or collected storm water can also be used.