Designing a house-studio for a painter is nothing new for our office. In fact, we feel especially comfortable with this type of project. Even more so if it is the home of the famous artist Paco Pomet , a surrealist painter who depicts scenes with a fine sense of humor and which Banksy himself set for his Dismaland exhibition .

The two uses (home and painting studio) are articulated through an entrance patio, which will serve as a previous filter, functioning as an hall. A height difference will be established between the entrance , the house and the workshop , which gives privacy to each one of the uses , and which is solved by means of a staircase where each flight will give independent access to each one of the areas .

The painting studio will be located below ground level, to take advantage of the cave effect and achieve the most efficient space possible. A large skylight is projected to the north that gives a homogeneous and controlled light, ideal for the artist. The access area to the workshop will be illuminated by the entrance patio, where a garden, with a ginkgo biloba tree as the protagonist, will serve as a reference and visual escape.

The house will be located 150 cm above the street level, and tries to function independently of the work area.

With a very clear floor plan, it will be organized in two bands (day area - night area) separated by the circulation area, playing with the section to make it as rich as possible, trying to maximize the relationships between the parts. The entire program will be on one floor except for the library, which is located on the top floor, but always closely related to the living area.