This typical Parisian flag of late 19th had suffered a series of works, modifications and other changes over time taking him to a confused and cluttered use of space. The place has been completely redesigned in terms of usage and traffic. The idea was to restore volume to the whole, a new life, so every place of life is adequately from home. functional facilities and gym, reconnected by the very open staircase to the ground floor. The ground floor has been redistributed family plateau, facing the gardens. This communal space, is divided into music room, games room, kitchen and dining room for entertaining. The floor is occupied by children rooms, designed according to their personality and guest room, and an individual identity in harmony with the whole. The attics were redesigned in large free parental plateaux with bathroom, dressing room and central bed, playing numerous skylights created a space in subtle and changing natural light. All furniture, very studied, let live prospects and massing of the structure while incorporating plenty of storage. The espacessont developed with simple, natural materials, supported by a strong and warm color range.
The desire to create a place of family life around the notions of comfort and well-being, natural and living, brought the whole project to the smallest design details of the arrangements. Art can speak of living, a slight taste of Provence in paris ..