Corporativo BDM is a renovation project located in the western part of Mexico City that responds to the client's desire for their offices to project professionalism, experience and contemporaneity.

This project is an example of how a property that is underutilized either by a bad design, a poor interior distribution or other situations, can have a second life thanks to the conversion of spaces.

The challenge of a renovation is often greater than that of building a new building due to the pre-existing structure of the original building, and this was the case for this project, since the structural logic was based mainly on the horizontality and not on the verticality of the project.

The key solution to vertically connect the project was to achieve a clear transition between public, semi-public and private spaces, maintaining a natural connection between them, which resulted in spacious, well-lit and naturally ventilated areas.

For the selection of materials and finishes, we sought to maintain the same language throughout the building, so we opted for a minimal palette of materials, which included wood, marble and different types of vegetation that together favor the easy reading of the architecture of the place.

Similarly, the idea of generating translucent corridors that allow the discreet entry of natural light works as a surprise factor within the experience of living, causing a certain uncertainty about what is happening on the other side, creating the desire to walk through the space.

This project expresses how the quality of space transforms the mood of people, especially in work environments, and the central courtyard full of life allows for a connection with nature that is difficult to achieve in the center of this chaotic city.

Architects: A-001 Taller de arquitectura
Design Team: Eduardo Gorozpe, Oscar Renucci, Manuel Carlos, Lilian García, Joel Betanzos, Miguel Becerril, Andrea Patlán.
Photographer: Eduardo Gorozpe / Video: The Raws

Materials used:
Facade cladding: Steel, Glass, Wood
Flooring: Santo Tomás Marble
Doors: Walnut wood
Windows: Black aluminum
Roofing: Wooden ceiling panels
Interior lighting: Design by A-001 Taller de Arquitectura, Estevez