The luxury of distinctness in a high-rise residential typology - the architecture breaks down the monotony of the massive block into finer clusters of blocks defined by different characters. The design allows variations and diversity in vertical living. The result is a stack of seemingly different blocks with their respective characters. To tie the blocks, open green spaces ribbons the entire development vertically - allowing the users to maintain their ties with nature.
The Block Fragmented and Refined - Normally, a typical ensemble of mid and high rise towers equate to an overwhelmingly massive and monotonous block. In this design, the block is fragmented into finer clusters to break down the heaviness of a solid mass. The volume becomes a play of solids and voids - allowing cantilevered parts that visually exude a feeling of lightness and openness. The scale, however, remains imposing so the multiple storey voids add to the feeling of grandness due to the massive open space it creates. Furthermore, the block is broken down into finer pieces to allow distinct variations. Each block is given a visual character distinct from the others. This gives the illusion of a vertical neighborhood of interconnected blocks.
A Circuit of Green Spaces - Open green spaces are designed to flow through the staggered form and voids of the building. Each green space is meant to be viewed from other green spaces - creating a visual circuit of the nature embracing the structure. These spaces are spread vertically to cater to more users and to evenly distribute the landscaping around the building. Also, the ample allocation for green spaces brings the advantage of gardens in low-rise houses into the convenience of high-rise living. The addition of green spaces also softens the massiveness and scale of the building - allowing it to adapt a more human scale.