The project built by Antao Progetti and Studio Archimedia, involves the construction of a new industrial building conveniently connected through an underpass the current headquarters of the company SIT, this is the only possibility to expand to meet new production requirements and organizational. The complex is organized on different levels:
– BELOW SECOND where is the stock cylinder and the technical rooms;
– IN THE UNDERLYING mezzanine floor you can find a 71 parking spaces;
– BELOW FIRST where you can find the production;
– From GROUND to THIRD FLOOR we developed offices, laboratories, and services by creating a new direction headquarters for the S.I.T. GROUP. On the same level you can find 31 parking spaces , connected to the access road through adequate ramp.

The SIT GROUP has been operating for many years on the Flexible Packaging market, supplying Clients in the sector of Food Stuffs and Non Food Stuffs, with the most appropriate packaging solutions, technologically advanced, secure and respectful of the Environment and capable of guaranteeing the success of their products.
The activity of the Group and the printing is of the highest quality, in the technology of rotogravure and Flexography on transparent, paper based laminated or metalized films, with or without solvents – and with specific treatments in regards with the graphical needs and product protection.

For this project we supplied over 3.400 smq of raised access floor composed by core in calcium sulphate thk. 30 mm with 1.500 kg/m3 of density, sixe 60×120 cm covering with ceramic tiles Ceramica del Conca from San Marino with wood effect, cut and reassembled into 20×120 cm slabs.