Site was located near the famous tourist complex, Sanjeong Lake and Mt. myeongs eong. Client demand the clubhouse and 22 short-term rental houses, and he wishe d to live on the 3rd floor of the clubhouse.
When we follow the road around the lake and go up the mountain path, finally we can see the clubhouse.
Clubhouse was located on the site of the original slope, the architect did not want to make it flat landed. He tried to take advantage of it as it was. Then he assembl ed sunken and piloti to make dramatic space.
Club house with three floors, basement floor and 1st floor space is used by visitor s, and 2rd floor space is client’s home. Visitors can have breakfast, enjoy a drink i n the clubhouse and swim in the outdoor pool. Clubhouse was covered with transp arent windows, and visitors cad enjoy the beautiful scenery around the clubhouse through it.
When we pass the clubhouse and go across a small bridge besides stream, we can see a lot of houses(for short-term rental) surrounded by small mountains. Originally Architect designed Slope-roofed building. He thought it’ll be better than flat-roofed, because it is more harmonious surrounded by the natural environment.
However, client refused the design of the architect. Architect failed to persuade th e Client and finally accepted the Client's Requirements. The architect’s design was limited by restricted construction budget, finally all the buildings’ exteior have been unified. It was the exposed concrete. Moreover, the sh ape of mass should be simple.