House HV
Miran Kambič

House HV

House HV is situated at the foot of the Karavanke Alps, overlooking the Ljubljana basin. It represents a transformation of a weekend house – a two-storey wooden hut with a concrete ground floor - into a family home. The owner wanted to extend the living area in the form of a winter garden and a carport. To stay within the existing scale of the surrounding buildings, the additional volumes are separated from the basic house with a gap, forming the entrance on the one hand and an outer staircase on the other. They are partially dug into the slope to become part of the landscape, with a green roof above the carport and a terrace on top of the living room extension.

The basic volume of the house was extended only with a new staircase and service rooms on the ground level. The existing thermal insulation on the inner side of the wooden hut was removed to expand the inner space and the entire house was faced with new insulation and a wooden ventilated facade. The timber of the wooden hut – once an outer wall - can now be seen on the staircase. Sliding wood shutters can close the entire house, transforming it into a unified wooden volume on a wooden terrace. Then only large glazing of the winter garden opens to the magnificent view of the landscape underneath.

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