Archello Awards 2025: Open for Entries! Submit your best projects now.
Archello Awards 2025: Open for Entries!
Submit your best projects now.

IT University

The IT University is arranged around a large central atrium. In the atrium space a number of group and meeting rooms, designed as corbelled boxes, are placed in a dynamic composition – like extracted drawers of various sizes.

By changing back projections on the meeting boxes, a digital art installation by the American artist John Maeda creates a dynamic and interactive visual composition in the atrium.

The ground floor comprises the common facilities; lecture halls, students’ café, canteen and library. All research and teaching areas are located on the upper floors. Teaching facilities in open study areas surrounding the atrium and research departments in the calmer zones at both ends of the building.

The building stands elevated above terrain. A metal clad frame folds around the entire volume in one singular dynamic movement. The glass facades inside the frame are divided into horizontal ribbons of glass of varying colour and character – powerful green-coloured glass, translucent glass and clear glass.

IT University of Copenhagen

The IT University of Copenhagen is a 19.000 m2 building from 2004, designed by Henning Larsens Tegnestue A/S, Copenhagen. 2000 students currently attend the university, studying design, communication and media, e-business, internet and software technology, media technology and games or software development. The architectural design unfolds around a huge center atrium, which also is the platform for events and lectures, get-togethers and social functions.

Furniture solution:

The IT University facility management was presented with a selection of furniture, able to comply with listed demands. The standard of architecture and design having been set by leading Danish architectural advisors such as Henning Larsens Tegnestue there were, however, additional strict demands to design performance and the ability to blend in the transparent, modern, and functional environment. Top rated among the different furniture solutions were the 40/4 chair designed by David Rowland, accompanied by the Plico table, designed by KOMPLOT Design.

Client’s evaluation:

Mr Nedergaard:

“We have had the furniture in use for well over a year now, and there is a general satisfaction with the design as well as with the seating comfort”. For the job of putting up or storing chairs and tables we normally assign two facility management employees. With that manpower the work is done with ease as well as speed, using the very handy trolleys.”

Brand description
We want to influence people all over the world. To have a positive impact on the way they live, work, learn and communicate. Ultimately, we want to have an effect on how people think. We can achieve this in every conceivable environment by liberating the space in your surroundings. In doing so, we strive to create the absence of limitations. Freedom from restrictions, which in turn, creates the conditions for freedom of thought.
Products applied in Educational , Religious

IT University

The five-storey open atrium is the heart of the IT University in Copenhagen. The atrium is envisioned as a geometric installation with meeting rooms as “open drawers”. The idea has been to make synergy and interaction in order to stimulate creativity and collaboration among students. The acoustic challenge in the atrium is resolved using the Designpanel Micro as ceiling and wall lining on the projecting room boxes as well as inside the meeting rooms.

Brand description
Headquartered in Denmark Knauf Danoline develops and markets acoustic ceiling and wall materials based on high grade glass fiber reinforced gypsum. With the several decades long presence in the construction industry, Knauf Danoline is able to offer expertise, guidance and technical solutions to meet your specific requirements.
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