Archello Awards 2025: Open for Entries! Submit your best projects now.
Archello Awards 2025: Open for Entries!
Submit your best projects now.


We owe the current situation of the planet We are living in to the nature first then the humankind , with all of it's positive and negative aspects. Science guides us to make this environment more livable.In our journey to the deep , while we are searching for the last stop where we can never reach , just before going down to molecule and atom , chromosome is the first common structure providing sustainability that is noticed in all of living components of this body .Therefore; Let's dedicate our building in this Science Island to the first constituent of sustainability and generate chromosome ; What this form contains are codes of the future like the DNA...

The X chromosome has been located to the center of green area which is at the northwest of the island. The present landscape axes of the green area have been kept untouched as much as possible and they have been kept in their natural and most beautiful state. It has been designed to work by using vehicle and pedestrian connections that are both present and two connection axes that are planned to be opened. It has been located at the far side of the big block which is Zalgris Arena to keep the idea of creating science island single and unique .

It's design has not been based on the concept that tries to attract perception by using high rise building with compact basement area and inner areas that are far from outer field ; instead It has been designed to be as a part of the green field with it's increased environmental relation surfaces and galleries that have balanced relationship between inner and outer areas. To reduce the reflective surfaces that emerge in this design , soil that will be obtained by excavation for the foundation will be laid out to the top of the 1/3 of the building. In this way , not only the ecological screening area is increased but also carbon emission which would be emerged during transportation of the excavation soil is decreased.

The technical areas of the building have been located near the large volume galleries and the temporary gallery , in order to function more efficiently and economically .

The flood risk has been taken into consideration and the ground floor has been located at 29.50 m level which is 1.5 m above the minimum 28 m level. In order to protect the basement floor against flood , a simple dike has been provided.

An extra car park has not been provided ; a short time pausing area only for disabled people and service cars has been formed in front of the main entrance without using hard surface. It has been considered that the car parking need would be fulfilled by reorganizing Zalgris Arena car parks which are located approx. 330 m range and by using existing car parking areas at the coast of Neman River as they are. For bicycle parking , a large area has been left in front of the entrance.

The location of the building has been arranged according to equinox ; the building has been located at the northeast - southwest axis by simulating the sunlight in way that one gallery group would take morning-noon direct sunlight and the other gallery group would take noon-evening direct sunlight. The transparent sections on the sides have been arranged according to sunlight taking position. In order to benefit from bright sunlight low temperature periods in season changes at maximum level , the volumes that can capture sunlight energy as much as possible have been associated with these directions. To eliminate the greenhouse effect that would arise with these applications , natural ventilation principles have been applied.

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