The construction site for the reformed church is located in Vác, in a small Hungarian town near the capital Budapest. The aim was to design a recent and modern church with low budget in the background. The contour of the building has been determined by the amorphous shape of the building site - the most practical exploitage, the slightly curved streetline on both land-side and the road sight / view. The shape of the building has to communicate the austerity and unornamented design of the reformed church in a contemporary architectural language.
The considerations above have led to the introduction of the curved side walls, hands clasped in prayer imitated building in an abstract way. The crowd longitudinal axis of the plot have been designated by the asymmetrical entrance interlocking "fingers" due to a little away from the noisy main road. The long axis along the funnel-like entrance hall leads to the church, which is the focus of altar-table. Along the axis, at the other end under the little finger of the clasped hand one will find the exit from the ship to the cascet-garden. We attempted to locate the church to be close to the square yet remaining accessible from the rear. The construction of the asymmetric structure helped again to turn the benches delicately towards the pulpit - so to the longitudinal axis – to support better insight. Since the space is not long, even sitting on benches in the rear may feel to be the part of a large family around the altar-table during the worship. Implementation of the puritan and sincere interior with modern architecture resources and the use of light as building blocks was also a goal. The proposed solution for this was the interlocking "fingers" and the snow-white dome-like structure. The light sweeps into the ship through the gaps between the fingers clasped lighting the faithfuls psalmist's books.
The indirect lighting keeps out the street traffic noise too, it's dazzling and irrespective of which direction the sun is shining from. The article choir has been the spice of asymmetric design which quasi turns onto the pulpit. It provides adequate view from the rear benches as well thanks to the gradually increasing floor level. The 21st century secular people can be brought to the church more easily if the ecclesia helped in the everyday concerns besides the preaching: eg. preserve space for the child. for parents with children. Two of these rooms also have been established at the gallery so we can place the kids - grouped by age - thus they can use these rooms without interfering with the ongoing worship in the main ship. Since the site is part of the 60% floorspace common park,we would lilke to take advantage of this unpleasant narrowing form. The altogether 60-70 cm high “groundwaves” of the green space unite in a common wave along the main road following the curved wall of the Church. It's the ground-buttress of the building at the same time and is implanted with low bush-line.
The separate Campanilla is inspired by the strong body of the church which is unimaginable combined with the building. The white tower is decorated only with the lacy wall structure perforated with gaps growing in size as going upwards. The outer covering of the church shall reflect the inner purity, the traditional white walls. Yet to be resistant, requiring little maintenance. It's an expectation from every built-in structure. Be economically built, sustainable and mechanically modern, energy-efficient.