Möen is a block of flats and comercial premises which is based on the concept of healthy living and sustainable. It gives department owners a quality life and relationship with the city. Moen has six floors and two basements built in steel structures. Twenty-eight apartments with diferent services such as a spa, a gourmet coffee bar and a children's entertainment center.
To meet the client goals ENNE arquitectos designed a building with big windows in the north and south part that takes advantage of the day light, while in the east and west the facades, quiebrasoles and balconies absorb heat creating a comfortable environment.
Although power consumption is low charge in Ecuador, light sensors were installed in the hall ways and parking lots to avoid was ting energy. A light shaft was constructed for air rotation so it is pure all the time. The colors used in both facades and roofs reflect light reducing heat absorption and heat "island effect" in the city. Möen Building has semi-publicspaces in both Mariano Echeverria and in Avenida Brasil.