“Architecture is like petrified music” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Architecture and music share various qualities. Both are manifested in space and time, masses and voids, presences and absences of matter/sound.

The building is a hardened dark ash concrete sculptured monolith that draws a musical score, inscribing diverse notes, sounds and silences, openings and voids. The carved voids allow the Music Academy to open its multiple spaces to the city. The school is a flexible space dedicated to the teaching and learning of music and dance capable to adapt to its multiple purpose programmatic needs and desires, as an open field for different musical, acoustic choreographies. A central court is the core of the school, where different events may occur. From this space, a sculpted spiral ramp conducts us to all the other spaces of the project, thus celebrating the social and cultural essence of the building as a community for a school.