The SU2+4 building of the Medical University of Coimbra in the Health Sciences Pole of the University of Coimbra doesn’t assumes a clear front position in the University Campus – Pole III. Is establishes direct and open relations between the surrounding public places generating a functional interaction that promotes a true living dynamic of use in the Pole. By this mean, the basic project premise starts on the conception of a building that establishes a strong relation with the central square , located north to the site plot, and an open relation between the building and the natural green landscape to the south and west.

The programmatic and functional demands dictate a high density and complex program in articulation of the different secures and spaces of higher particularity. This fact, leads naturally to the conception of a compact building, where the insertion of voids is needed, like moments of opening and dialogue between the different levels of program and levels, with spaces that act like anchoring points specially designed and placed for the meeting and gathering of people. For this reason, we assumed the full volumetry of the Master plan and we tried to create a series of internal patios that will illuminate the mores interior areas.