The Gray-Cheeked Fulvetta is an endemic bird species in Taiwan named from its grey head with a white eye ring and long black eye stripe running from the bill down the sides of the neck. In traditional Taiwanese aborigines, Thao, in Sun Moon Lake, it been seen as a spiritual bird. Its chirping is carefully listened to for guidance to steer clear of ill fortunes before any serious undertaking.
The Nesting Plan by artist Cheng Tsung FENG is a work project by learning nesting process from the animal architect in forest. For this project, he follow the nesting procedures of Grey-Cheeked Fulvetta (twig selection plus contacting, grass blades, flowers and soft cushions). FENG converts the way of nesting into timber structure technique and knotting craft. For travelers, he nest a home at Ita Thao Wharf.
Materials Used:
Japanese cedar, white rope, azalea tree, LED light