Philippe Garcia


Through a new decor and a new identity, Laura Gonzalez reinvents Noura on itsiconic address Place de Beyrouth. Laura Gonzalez takes Noura back to its Lebanese roots and brings to life itssunny tones and legendary conviviality. An invitation to travel that makes the Lebanese heart of Paris beat faster andreveals all the flavors of oriental gastronomy.

photo_credit Philippe Garcia
Philippe Garcia
photo_credit Philippe Garcia
Philippe Garcia

Ahla Wa Sahla - "welcome" in Lebanese - is displayed on the window of the caterer,while Sahten - "bon appétit" - is printed on the packaging of the Shawarmas. Thesesweet messages cleverly illustrate the sense of hospitality that is typical among theOrientals. They are part of the new visual identity developed by the interior designerLaura Gonzalez for Noura.

« I have always considered Noura as a welcoming and exotic brasserie, a place where youcan come for lunch at any time and enjoy Oriental pastries while drinking mint tea," saysthe decorator. “It seemed important to me that the indulgence and joy of life that areunique to this Parisian institution also soak up the atmosphere of its setting. So, I choseevocative colors such as pistachio green - a symbol of hope - cumin, and lively blues. » - Laura GONZALEZ

photo_credit Philippe Garcia
Philippe Garcia
photo_credit Philippe Garcia
Philippe Garcia

Laura Gonzalez drew the architectural inspirationfor her project by looking at sepia photos of oldcafés in pre-civil war Beirut. Hence, the newspaces include arched doorways and niches,which are characteristic of Oriental architecture,as well as stucco Mauresque cornices. The Parisian decorator commissioned Bokja - a Lebanese artisanal platform dedicated to the transmission and renewal of traditional embroidery techniques - to create a panoramicmural depicting the pine trees of the Bisri Valley, a Lebanese biological sanctuary.

Another reference to Levantine culture is the lavastone tabletops painted with lucky fish and birdmotifs, while the chair structure is decorated withwooden beads borrowed from Oriental abacuses. However, Laura Gonzalez's intervention goes beyond the boundaries of the premises. Her creativity is also behind the design of a new rounded logo, the mischievous designof colored bags and boxes, and even the new coachwork of the future delivery vans. Thisstylistic renewal is set to extend to other Noura addresses.

photo_credit Philippe Garcia
Philippe Garcia
photo_credit Philippe Garcia
Philippe Garcia

Located on each side of Place de Beyrouth, at 27 Avenue Marceau for the Brasserie,and at 29 for the Caterer, Noura's two historic addresses have been reimagined to beeven more welcoming. The Brasserie, a place for discovering Levantine cuisine andconviviality, retains its open kitchen and now includes a new cocktail and mocktailbar specially designed for the reopening. The room accommodates 160 seats, half ofwhich are on the terrace. This joyful outdoor space is bordered by planters tiled withcolorful ceramics.

The famous "discovery plates" and mezzes, such as hummus, moutabal, andtabbouleh, which have ensured Noura's success from the beginning, are now offeredhere on a non-stop service basis, seven days a week. In addition to these classicdishes, there is a wide selection of small plates of cold mezzes such as shanklish,poutargue plate, falafel Poke Bowl, or hot mezzes like brizi fried smelt and eggplantfatteh, as well as a Lebanese pizzetta with halloum and bastorma. Other creationsinclude delicious, reinvented Lebanese sweets such as cheese Knefeh with chocolate,profiteroles with Kachta ice cream, and Mouhallabieh with chocolate coulis. Not tomention the grilled meats and Shawarmas, cooked on a charcoal barbecue.

"Just as the new decor is more welcoming, it seemed important to us to to place theculture of sharing at the center of the menu, by offering around twenty small dishesand mezes to share." , REIMAGINED RESTAURANT SPACES, A RENEWED MENU. © Philippe Garcia said Paul Bou Antoun, Noura's director of operations.

Shawarma, falafel, and halloum sandwichesto enjoy on the go are now served across thestreet, since Noura snack and takeaway hasjoined the caterer space. This establishmenthas around twenty seats inside and sixty onthe terrace. It welcomes its famous bar ofmezzes and Mediterranean salads, with a richselection of tabbouleh, hummus, moutabal,stuffed vine leaves, kebbeh, and other savorypuff pastries.

You'll also find a nougat and loukoum counter, a wide selection of homemade oriental pastries, a multitude of spices, and afine Lebanese wine cellar, not to mentionready-to-go or customizable gift boxes to suityour desires.

photo_credit Philippe Garcia
Philippe Garcia
photo_credit Philippe Garcia
Philippe Garcia

Ambassador of the Lebanese cuisine andlifestyle, Noura has become, in just twogenerations, an institution in the parisianrestaurants landscape. The adventure began in 1989 when Jean-PaulBou Antoun and his wife Bernadette openedtheir first address in the 16th district of Paris,named Noura – an emanation of Nour, anArabic first name that means light.

He is in charge of the service in the dining roomwhile she cooks. With each passing year, theestablishment's success has led to a significantexpansion. The brand has diversified into catering,fine groceries, events, meal trays, gift boxes, high-quality home delivery, and street food. Noura nowhas no fewer than fifteen addresses in Paris andthree London branches.

Their three sons have joined the family business,with Ziad in charge of administration and finance, Walid overseeing production and ensuring the quality of the dishes, and Paul as the operations manager, all working to perpetuate the Nouraway of life while updating it to reflect thechanging lifestyles and tastes. More than ever, they remain committed to delivering quality lebanese and mediterranean food.

photo_credit Philippe Garcia
Philippe Garcia
photo_credit Philippe Garcia
Philippe Garcia

Interior design: Laura Gonzalez
Photography: Philippe Garcia

photo_credit Philippe Garcia
Philippe Garcia

Project credits

Interior Architects

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