Client: Provincia di Frosinone
Site: Frosinone, Italia
Typology: International Competition.
Status: Final stage
Partners: Studio di architettura Sacchetti,
BAC Engineering Consultancy Group, S.L.,
Aiguasol Sistemes Avançats d’Energia Solar Tèrmica SCCL,
Studio A&P architettura del paesaggio

• 1.Think of a social building, flexible, open and well oriented, respecting the functional program.
• 2. Organize a team of professionals with extensive experience and build a multidisciplinary staff.
• 3. Taking care of every aspect of the project at 360°, at every scale, from the urban layout to the landscape, from the distribution to the functional program, from the structure to the construction detail.
• 4. Keep up to date with new construction techniques and new, more performing materials.
• Only in this way have we managed to obtain a nerly zero emission building.

The project is studied bearing in mind the urban requirements and adding strategic considerations to make the "school" area a social space with multiple functions in close connection with the other elements already present in the cultural and sporting cluster.
For this reason, the school campus wants to be permeable, porous, extensive and widespread in its uses and functional program; it aggregates the sports and cultural functions of the entire CSCS cluster by amplifying them and making them interconnected.

Essentially, the operation requires:
1. Increase the connection with new pedestrian and cycle paths that intercept the rest of the cluster's functions, discouraging the use of private vehicles
2. Integrate and extend the greenery, articulating garden paths and play areas and surrounding the area with a real green infrastructure, a "horizontal forest" of native shrubs and trees to shield acoustics
3. Protect the school area along the east and west facades and enter into resonance with the ecological and vegetative environment.
With the same approach, going down the scale, relationships are deepened between the outdoor spaces and the building.
The architectural and detailed design is aimed at achieving a nZEB, following the directives of the European community and local regulations in force.