The first time we met the clients, we tried to dig the character of the client as a basis for design ideas home renovation area of 230 m2. As for this project , the scope is only different architectural designs that do not alter the structure and space of the house . We found many flower pots when we went to the location for the first time, and from there we decided that flower pot is the main concept for this home. We implement the concept of flower pots with two ways of modules, into decorative elements and create a permanent flower pot as a container to accommodate the owner’s hobby which is gardening. The modular concept flower pot applied to the wall and ceiling of the building and surprisingly these elements become a very interesting decorative element. The pots are coated by white mica so the sunlight will light up those flower pots. Surroundings of the house is also lined with concrete pots, make it looks beautiful from inside and outside. A pond with stone steps as a way to iron gazebo also adorn this home. The gazebo made from strong steels to match the style of the home which has iron frame to hang the flower pots.