The architectural project had as a starting point the demolition of the existing ruin, since it was not adaptable to the program and the intended volumetric solution. Thus, the proposal for a new building had as a condition the volumetric adequacy to the existing buildings, something that we think was achieved through the alignment of the upper plane of the façade (west), in Rua António Costa Santos, but also in the unfolding of converging plans with the existing elevations (east) facing the Largo dos Barreiros.

On the other hand, despite the volumetric relevance of the existing urbanity, the geometry of the spans of the proposal responds, in itself, to the programmatic needs of the interior, as well as the built materiality (cladding in prefabricated GRC panels) seeks to reduce future maintenance and conservation works.

In this context, and despite the correct volumetric framing of the surrounding building, in the absence of an identity group or the inexistence of a relevant singularity in the place, the character of this architectural proposal results, inevitably, in a differentiating image, above all, in the material expressiveness and in the modulation of the elements of the elevation, clearly evident in the balanced body over the pavement of Rua António Costa Santos.