There now exists a new generation of residential complexes which offer services like those of five-star hotels. The apartments in the Kerry Center in Tianjin are a perfect example. 24/7 concierge, laundry services, newspaper and magazine delivery, car park surveillance and varied personal assistance options. Plus – in the area surrounding this skyscraper in the Hedong district, at 332 m the second highest in the city – immaculate garden spaces, sports centers and SPA facilities. All this, in the heart of one of the largest city in the People's Republic of China. In recent years, thanks to its important technological manufacturing district, Tianjin has notched up one of the highest annual growth rates of all Chinese cities.
Our contribution to making The kerry Center successful
Kitchen Systems
Practical and sturdy kitchen appliances ideal for satisfying the requirements of Chinese cooking
Universally admired as one of the world’s most elaborate cuisines, Chinese recipes are often extremely complex and timeconsuming. Many dishes involve frying. This makes the performance of the CXW220-T14 Extractor Hood a key attraction, since this model eliminates odours in a very short time. Its chunky right-angled design adds an assertive contemporary element to a modern kitchen. Cooking-top area is exceptionally extensive. The stainless steel structures have removable cast-iron grilles to facilitate cleaning.