All About Fireplaces
Fireplaces are very popular nowadays, helping to create a comfortable and atmospheric environment. Fireplaces can be a convenient source of heating and cooking as well with modern fireplaces utilizing heat in variable amounts as per its design. A fireplace can be made of many different materials such as metal, stones, and bricks. Elements such as artworks, counters and nooks can be incorporated. Today there are no immediate safety issues associated with fireplaces and they can be conveniently located within a floor plan near any kind of furniture or wall.
Today fireplaces are designed to suit perfectly modern interiors. With new models, there is flexibility to control flames and emitted light using a remote. A person does not need to move to adjust the nature of a flame, as it can be controlled by sitting in place and using a remote. Furthermore, these modern fireplaces emit no smoke; these feature thus make the modern fireplace more eco-friendly.
With fireplaces, there are a number of different categories such as wood burning, gas burning, electric burning and ethanol burning. In the case of a traditional fireplace, a wood burning fireplace is the best option as it provides heat and the effect of a wood fire as well. Gas fireplaces are very easy to install and provide look and feel of a wood fireplace. Electric fireplaces are very cost efficient and suitable for use in modern homes. Ethanol fireplace burn ethanol in order to producing heat. They are not capable of producing much heat but are easy to install and use. These can be installed at any place and no venting is required.
So that fireplaces can serve for many years, they should be cleaned on a regular basis. Occasionally one can call a professional as well to clean a chimney and fireplace for better results. It is advisable to clean the cold ashes from a fireplace every time it is used and while doing so, it is advisable to wear a dust mask. While cleaning, make sure there are no cracks present in the chimney or firebox. At least once a year, the fireplace and chimney should be properly inspected. Gas fireplaces doors can be removed easily, one can remove and clean the glass in a convenient manner. Fireplace cleaners can be used for removing stubborn spots.
Company Spotlight : European Home
European Home is among leading manufacturers for best in class fireplaces and is known for high-quality products. They offer a wide variety of gas fireplaces, wood fireplaces and electric fireplaces. The goal of this renowned manufacturer is to provide fireplaces which are best suited to a person’s design aesthetic.