The local town plan and the study of the urban context has oriented us towards a dense project on one side, and airier on the other. In doing so, the building makes a link between the urban scale, very busy, of rue Curial, to the calmer atmosphere of the passage de Crimée.

On rue Curial, the local town plan allowed for construction up to 7-storeys. But we preferred a 6-storeys building, less penalizing in height for the adjoining buildings and visually softer for the design of the street. Moreover, the height mirrors the neighbouring building on rue Curial.

On the passage de Crimée, along the party line with the marble factory, the project stops at the 4th storey and a vegetated space is left free, minimizing the impact of the gable wall. This configuration allows for a smooth transition of built heights between the corner of rue Curial and the rest of the passage de Crimée. In addition, the position of the space left free of construction in the southeast corner of the plot allows the creation of facades facing south and, thus, the optimization of natural solar gains.

On the Rue Curial side, the volume is hollowed out above the R+3 in its southern part. The facade is then aligned with that of 50, rue Curial, which is set back from the street alignment. This device makes it possible to reduce the size of the gable wall on the neighboring parcel and to preserve as much as possible its views and its natural light contributions. The homogeneous and pure volume proposed on the passage de Crimée is here redivided into moving and dancing strata that shelter the private balconies of openwork metal. Through a simple and elegant gesture, these movements allow the project to enter into dialogue with the very heterogeneous built environment of the neighborhood and add a harmonious and evanescent rhythm to the "music of the city".