"Name of a country where happiness, simplicity and peace reign in an idyllic environment inhabited by a population that lives in communion with nature"...
Arcadia is a residential development designed to create a community where the 72 housing units are grouped around shared areas in direct contact with nature where the inhabitants are encouraged to get to know each other and generate common experiences.
Arcadia's architecture is based on open spaces, from the conception of the complex where the transition from the intimate and private to the social and public is achieved through subtle elements of vegetation to the internal distribution of the housing units where the spaces are they perceive wide and open to the views towards the parks.
Arcadia has an extensive program of amenities designed to improve the living experience within the complex; At the heart of the project is the central park that integrates the HomeClub as the park's auction and that has services such as the gallery pub, gym, sundeck with swimming pool and laundry station among others.
At the center of the park is the fire plaza, a large meeting space designed for multiple events. In the lateral areas of the complex are located two complementary parks, a pet friendly reading park and a kid's park.
The offer of housing options is also wide, from tonwhouses with 2 to 3 bedrooms, to single apartments with 1 bedroom and roof garden, all types of housing are designed to make the most of the spaces, with wide and open fronts and free and flexible spaces.