PLACEMAKING The Y Centre is a pavilion glowing through a screen of vegetation. Located in an economically depressed neighborhood, the building becomes a beacon in the urban landscape. At night, the signature lighting and large glazed openings invite the community to take part in civic and athletic activities. By day, the white concrete block facade is a festive marker on a park-like site.
RESTITCHING THE URBAN FABRIC The building splits into two volumes each connected to distinctly oriented North and South urban fabric, thus creating a delaminated central spine. The North and South Wings become two level, inhabited sports plateaus housing the gym and 25m pool, respectively. The play of the North/Gym Wing opens the building towards the Laurentian Boulevard to the west, funnelling the public into the heart of the Centre. The interior intersection of north-south and east-west circulation formalizes the urban framework inside and out.
TRANSPARENCY + VISUAL CONNECTIONS The entrance lobby, and main circulation space, is the connector of the North-South volumes, forming an interior pedestrian street. The two-toned entry hall spatializes the intended program of the space; separating circulation and more social reception and viewing areas all visually connected to the adjoining fi tness spaces. Full height interior glazing refl ects the language of the exterior and allows a rapid reading of the program. This interior-exterior transparency creates visual continuity from fl oor to fl oor and indoors and outdoors. On the lower level of the southern volume, the pool deck extends West continuing the ground plane through the building to the outside and up to the level of the street. To the north, the track surrounding the upper perimeter of the gym projects the runner into nature and the lobby of the Centre.
SIGNATURE LIGHTING Throughout the building, signature lighting highlights kinetic movement. The lighting creates rhythms specifi c to the use of the space and responds to the intersection of the circulation spaces.
SUSTAIN ABLE LIVING From the urban gestures to the architectural resolution, the Y is designed with a holistic approach to sustainability. At the level of the site, the pavilion setting reduces parking and creates a signature landscape. In combination with the white facade and white roofi ng membrane the heat island effect is reduced and a geothermal system completes the sustainable strategy.
SHOWCASING COMMUNITY LIFE The architecture also strives to foster sustainable communities. The orientation on the site and transparent facade invite the public to become a part of the community and of the Y. The pool and gym are viewed from above when entering the linear ground fl oor lobby. On the upper level, a track, studio, fi tness centre and multifunction rooms are arranged on either side of the building’s spine. These spaces benefi t from open views to each other as well as elevated views towards the lobby, pool and gym below showcasing community life. As a result of the generous transparency of the spaces, both inwards and outwards, the Y Centre projects a genuine desire for openness to the community.