Educational pole Maria Elena Walsh

This contest will give the sector to intervene in the City of Buenos Aires the opportunity to generate an element of urban character, a public building icon for the city, urbanizing and revalorizing the area of ​​intervention of Barrio 31. The project for the New Headquarters of the Ministry of Education of the GCBA is developed from the proposal of two integrating public spaces, which organize the urban fabric and generate a progressive transition of the scale between the existing neighborhood and the future growth of the City.

1- The "Paseo de la Educación" (The Paseo de la Educación), which extends as a preexisting urban sector with very particular characteristics, develops as a Pedestrian Walk and a scale according to Barrio 31 that generates a link between the community and the projected schools, Advancing in the revaluation and urbanization of Villa 31 already faced by the GCBA, generating an intermediate sector of quality understanding that it is essential the integration of the same with the community. The school program is extended along the New Walk of Education, strengthening the idea that education leads to development and social integration, a task that is shared between school, family and community and enhanced through this piece , Achieving a more frank relationship between both social actors and maintaining a low - neighborhood scale that is increasing towards Av. Castillo with the implementation of the Ministry Building.

2- "La Plaza Cívica": understanding government buildings as an opportunity to generate a quality public space that becomes an active center of participation, exchanges and meetings, a place of interaction among citizens, such as: exhibitions , Workshop rooms, cinema, games, giving the urban space a new dynamic. It is projected as an intermediate space of transition that links the neighborhood and Paseo de la Educación with the Administrative Area. The Civic Square contains the Communal Center, public space of direct relationship between the complex and the surrounding neighborhood, and serves as an atrium for access to the Ministry hall through a semi-covered double height sector giving the building a hierarchy. The civic character of this square acts as a link between the citizens and the authorities, an urban piece that incorporates activities and uses of socio-cultural character. The building of the Ministry is conceived as part of the piece, it is implanted longitudinally parallel to the Perette street generating "a front" of character and institutional presence.


The implementation of the Ministry Building is based on an urban reflection, respecting the urban indicators in both maximum permissible height and non-perforation of tangents. Taking into account the potential of this sector of the City, close to transfer centers such as the Railroad Retirement Terminal, Bus Terminal, Port and future urban growth plans, we consider placing the larger scale Ministry Building, For its broad requirement of a program of needs, longitudinally parallel to the Perette street, understanding this street as a fundamental artery for a future growth of the City in a system of axes Perette - Av. Castillo - Río / Puerto, creating "a front" As the beginning of the urban transformation of the site, iconic, for the revaluation of the sector. The transversal connection will be given by opening the new Callao street, main vehicular access transversal to the New Educational Pole. The access to the Building is hierarchized through the Plaza Civica, a double semi-covered height generates a public space of category. A longitudinal building resolved using the maximum height allowed and a free width of plant that allows to benefit to all the workstations with the use of the natural light and the cross ventilation. It proposes a translucent building that brings the work of the Ministry closer to the citizen, through a generous and luminous space that has repercussions on the space quality and the comfort of its occupants. In the southwest face is projected a green facade that grants the building a solar sieve, while being located in front of the existing neighborhood reduces the visual impact between the same and the new project. It is organized within a morphology containing the program, which is crossed by a main circulation that orders the functional assembly of each office floor. It is opted to place in the Ground floor and 1st floor the Operative Unit N ° 1 with greater jobs of attention to the public minimizing the flow of vertical circulation between the visitors. In 1st floor in a differential sector of the office workstations, the dining room of the Building is located in visual and physical relation with the Civic Square, allowing to generate an outdoor area of ​​expansion and recreation. Operating Units N ° 2, N ° 3 and N ° 4 are located respectively on the upper floors, responding to the requested programmatic requirements. The 10.50m structural module is determined by the "job planning module" (workstations) to allow a flexible spatial layout in office plants, which supports a variety of work configurations and facilitates reorganization for growth / Future variation. This module generates the highest performance in the parking lots as a function of the number of garages.


Education must function as a driving force in people's lives, offering new alternatives for personal growth and progress in the community. The implementation of schools in front of the New Education Walk allows reducing the impact of urban intervention in the sector, respecting the existing scale in the neighborhood, and acting as a transition element with the Ministry Building. Access to schools is through the Paseo de la Educación, to the Primary and Elementary school, it is entered through an "agora" of common use, a semi-public space integrating the community where students, parents and teachers exchange, participate and Learn Emphasis is placed on the participative relationship of the school opening towards the public space. Both schools can integrate this multifunctional "agora" into their activity spaces, incorporating the neighborhood within the school, through a closure of mobile panels in the SUMs that will be able to host inclusive activities bringing the community to the school, creating awareness and Sense of belonging of its users. The school is projected as an integrating space for study and recreation, the boundary between the exterior and the interior, between the classroom and the patio is dematerialized. The spaces are flexible and inclusive, a new model of education. The classrooms are flexible, can be grouped and can interact with the circulations and patios integrating the space outside the learning area, the classrooms are connected to the didactic gardens designed as spaces for exploration, awareness and approach to nature by the students And educational recreation space. Learning is no longer restricted to the perimeter of the classroom, but extends to the entire school. Circulations around the patio expand spatially through the use of "modular furniture" that benefit these intermediate spaces as the classrooms generating spaces for recreation and opening, places of expansion within the circulations, themed and equipped with various elements adapted To the technology that these times require. It seeks to dilute the boundary between exterior and interior, between learning and recreation. We think of a school that integrates, equalizes and dignifies the community and especially the children through the exchange teaching / learning promoted by the creation of intermediate spaces and integrators for the daily task of educating, in a playful way and incorporating The new forms of teaching. In summary, the Maria Elena Walsh Educational Pole is projected as an iconic and inclusive urban intervention, from the building and its respect for the existing neighborhood scale, such as the generation of public spaces for social integration, acting as a reinforcement and part of The urbanization and revaluation of the intervention area Barrio 31.

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