The project provides for the transfer of the Galleria Sabauda (now located above the Egyptian Museum in the Palazzo Accademia della Scienza in Turin) to the Manica Nuova of the Royal Palace, amining at generating new interest in Turin on the international cultural tourism circuit. The transfer of the Galleria Sabauda to the Royal Palace will be the final step in creating the “Sistema dei Musei Reali di Torino” (Royal Palace, Madama Palace, Cathedral, Royal Library and Royal Gardens), providing a perfect consisting between the masterpieces (about 1200 paintings from the twelfth to the twentieth century collected by the Savoia family) and their natural place (the Royal Palace). In this context, the project pursues the identification of Galleria Sabauda as a cultural centre of Turin and an integral part of the urban spaces of the city.
The project required a critical revision of the historical building, as it was originally created for other purposes (initially for the administrative offices of the Savoia reign and later for the offices of the Pidmont Region), to ensure its adaptability as a museum attributing to Galeria Sabauda a new, rediscovered identity. To solve the inadequacy of the central distribution space of Manica Nuova for the purposes of the museum, the project evolved the central space from a simple corridor to strategic exhibition area linked with other exposition. rooms. The exhibition space, organized by way of rooms and galleries, is designed to enhance the symbolic value of the return of the Galleria Sabauda to its natural environment, seeking to recreate the original atmosphere for admiring those valuable works of art.