In order to advance the artistic vibe of the Kunming Office Building, the designers have transformed the original space into an interactive zone by adding several unique art installations to provoke people’s thoughts, sensations and feelings. Kunming is located in the Yunnan province. One of the most famous natural sights in Yunnan is the ‘Stone Forest’, which is a notable set of limestone formations.

‘Stone Forest’ has inspired the designers for this series of art installations, one of them is this eye-catching Stone Forest Pavilion. It is constructed by many rectangular orange frames. The designers first came up with a rectangular box as a single unit, then used this fixed unit as the basic element to build up various forms and structures. Designers thought that for the rebranding of this project, not only should the artistic image be improved, but also the interactive function of the space.

This pavilion also serves as an interactive space for people’s gathering and leisure. The designers hope that it can be a small yet intimate social space for people to rest or hold a small live performance. The rectangular frames were staggered in various heights, deliberately imitating the natural forms of Yunnan Stone Forest. The combinations of different degrees of arcs and staggered heights create a strong visual impact. People can roam freely through the pavilion and make new discoveries inside this ‘Stone Forest’.

Handmade tie-dye cloth from Dali, Yuanna, are hung on the crossbars at both ends of the pavilion. Tie-dyeing has a history of over 1,000 years. The designers would like to remind people about this traditional craftsmanship as this heritage is increasingly lost amid massive development projects and urbanization.