Cultural centre of EU space technologies

The Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies (KSEVT) was jointly designed by four Slovenian architectural firms: Bevk Perović Arhitekti, Dekleva Gregorič Arhitekti, OFIS Arhitekti, and Sadar + Vuga Arhitekti. The building design takes inspiration from the first geostationary space station, or to be more precise its habitation wheel space station envisaged by rocket engineer Herman Potočnik Noordung in 1929. With its program the KSEVT will substantially supplement and emphasize the local cultural and social activities of the former Community Center in Vitanje town with additional cultural (exhibitions, events) and scientific activities (research, conferences) strongly connected to the culturalisation of the space. The building features a series of interlocking rings that lie on top of each other to create a continuous ramped structure. The upper part of the building houses a research area, while the lower parts will house exhibition spaces, a multi-purpose hall and local library.

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Product spec sheet

KSEVT hotel - From 2D to 3D Sleeping

The workshop took place at the new, highly specific building KSEVT, Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies, a bold landmark in the tiny Slovenian village of Vitanje of 600 residents that has welcomed over 25,000 visitors in its first year of activity. KSEVT has a public significance and generates social, cultural, and scientific activities, with fixed and temporary exhibitions, conferences and club/study activities. There is an open need and an exposed potential of Vitanje to become a case study of developing an extreme set of bottom up strategies or prototypes to challenge the conventional notion of tourism. The natural condition of Slovenia as a fragile but diverse landscape and the local phenomenon of obsessive individualism provide principal conditions for nanotourism.

Nanotourism is a new constructed term, describing a creative critique to the current environmental, social and economic downsides of conventional tourism, as a participatory, localy oriented, bottom-up alternative. Nanotourism is beyond tourism, it is more an attitude to improve specific everyday environments and to open up new local economies.

How can KSEVT accommodate sleepovers? The site-specific added value to the KSEVT exhibition is the experience of levitation in an environment of gravity. The team’s field of research was the transition from conventional 2D sleeping to the experience of 3D sleeping. The KSEVT hotel offers two experiences. The individual version enables the researcher to spend the night in KSEVT by sleeping in a uniquely engineered levitation-suit, suspended in the central space of KSEVT. With the collective experience, a group of people is able to experience 3D sleeping as an extended feature of the exhibition, where a set of pyramid shaped cushions support your entire body in a custom 3D position while asleep. The concept of the KSEVT hotel and 3D sleeping embodies the unique program of KSEVT – it fulfills the accommodation needs of the institution and furthermore upgrades an already unique visitor experience.

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AAVSS’s short course programme was organised for the first time in July 2014 in Vitanje. The programme is open to students and professionals worldwide, who wish to further their knowledge, practice and skills in architecture within short and intensive courses that engage with a local environment and its current architectural and social issues. Nanotourism is a central topic of research and development of AAVS Slovenia. Programme Director: Aljoša Dekleva Programme Assistant: Jakob Travnik next course: nanotouristic strategies III in Vitanje, July 2017 apply here: The course focuses on the concept of experience tourism, allowing participants to engage in a wide range of projects, from site-specific micro interventions at a 1:1 scale to holistic strategies for existing contexts. Adapting to their specific setting, the proposals can materialize in actions or structures that are temporary or permanent, ultimately seeking to create a comprehensible, tangible and novel experience of tourism.Within the contemporary economic realities, the workshop aims for small and smart solutions that rely on local resources, and seeks innovative design and financing alternatives that bypass major institutions and established spatial planning bureaucracy. Following last year’s success, the workshop will take place again at the new, highly specific building KSEVT, Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies, a bold landmark in the tiny Slovenian village of Vitanje of 600 residents that has welcomed over 25,000 visitors in its first year of activity. KSEVT has a public significance and generates social, cultural, and scientific activities, with fixed and temporary exhibitions, conferences and club/study activities. There is an open need and an exposed potential of Vitanje to become a case study of developing an extreme set of bottom up strategies or prototypes to challenge the conventional notion of tourism.The natural condition of Slovenia as a fragile but extremely diverse landscape and the local phenomenon of obsessive individualism provide principal conditions for nanotourism, locally generated bottom up experience tourism.During the course, AAVSS will collaborate with a set of experts in the field of architecture and other (un)related fields…
Products applied in Landscape