For the prestigous building site at Frankfurt Riedberg, Franken Architekten designed a multi-storey apartment building for rent and commercial space on the ground floor in a joint venture with Berghof & Haller Architekten. The draft is accompanied up to and including working phase 8 in a close co-ordination with the client and the municipal representives. ABG FRANKFURT HOLDING has acquired the building and rents the 97 apartments.
The project is divided into seven discreetly colored houses, the appearance of a classic perforated facade with changing window sizes, which are matched to a grid and are connected by filligree intervening structures of loggias. Thereby, the block-edge development has been broken and the 4-storey residential and commercial building seems elegant, self-contained, quiet and orderly. Clinker straps in the base area of the facade accentuate the areas between the shop windows of the shopping level and convey a high qulity and demand.