Architecture and interior design project done for Vila Nura, Valea Doftanei, Romania.
If we had to choose the best keywords to describe the "Nura" Guesthouse we could say "balance" and "subtlety". For this project, the balance was sought on as many levels as possible: between what is built and the surrounding nature, both in terms of volume and texture, between visible and what is hidden, so that the proposed architecture is subtly anchored in the atmosphere, without visually aggressing the landscape. The building takes on all the characteristics of the site in which it is inserted: being developed along the side with access to the lake allows a close visual relationship between interior and exterior - all accommodation rooms are oriented in this way and have open covered terraces, where the interior space expands to the exterior. On the side of the access road this relationship is completely opposite. A portico - a characteristic element of the rural architecture in the area -, developed on the side facing the street, makes the transition from the public to the private, without letting the eye pass to the other side of the house. The materials used were chosen from an austere register, the refinement consisting in the details in which they come together: the raw surface of the concrete used for the exterior floors is tempered by the warmth of the wood used to clad the walls and ceilings. The sobriety of the materials used on the outside is gradually tempered on the inside, with warm colors and wooden flooring and furniture used in the day area, and the night area being the most comfortable due to the warm and soft materials used in its design.