This Mixed-Use Project located in the Pinghu area of Loggan District in the City of Shenzhen, PRChina, promises to be an extraordinary example of urbanism for Shenzhen as well as one for a global stage, our collective desire to showcase the latest sustainable technology and best practices found anywhere when it comes to building an important family lifestyle center.

Best practices have led us to consider every condition
of occupation within the project. These individual
conditions have always been at the service of the
larger sustainable whole of the project, ensuring an
active and comfortable living, leisure and shopping
environment. The entire Project has benefited from these
best practices elevating it to a new standard of image,
livability, sustainability and comfort. Views can now be
had across multiple vistas through the site and beyond
to the city and to Songziling Park. The Liu Family Temple
has now become an historic destination, clearly on
view and standing within a plaza of its own. We have
addressed the relocation of current residents to Phase
I of the project.

The architecture of their new homes is
consistent in style to the development as a whole. We
have generous street frontage retail, with escalators
leading shoppers down to below ground retail where
the temperature will be cooler to shop in the summer
months. We have placed all resident parking (one per
unit) below grade (only two levels) with multiple access
and egress points around the site. We have provided
generous street parking for shoppers visiting the
project. Finally, the style of the architecture is at once
progressive, cohesive and functional and focused on
sustainability with its green roofs and generous planting
throughout. The style of the project at once is iconic
and recognizable, giving a quality of neighborhood to
the development and pride to the occupants and visitors
alike. It fosters a sense of community both within the
project site and within the existing urban condition.